Three Ways To Keep Auto Repairs Affordable


Do you need upgrade components in your vehicle or simply just need to have your car serviced? If so, there are likely many auto repair shops in your neighborhood, which can make selecting the right shop a bit difficult to do. Because of that, before you rush to select a shop and potentially spend more than you have to, consider a few options prior to selecting a repair shop. A great way to keep car repairs affordable is to select a shop that can offer the following:

27 May 2016

3 Things On Your Car To Keep An Eye On This Summer


As summer approaches, your car will need a little extra care in a few different areas due to the excessive heat during the summertime. Here are three things on your car that you need to keep a closer eye on during the summer months. #1 Engine Coolant One of the most important things that you need to keep an eye on this summer is your engine coolant. Engine coolant is also often referred to as antifreeze.

27 May 2016

Tips For Making Sure Your Motorhome Is Ready For A Road Trip


If you are about to take your motorhome out on the open road, you will want to make sure that you are taking the time to ensure that it is in the best possible shape. This will help ensure that you are less likely to run into a lot of problems while you are traveling. To help you do this, you will want to take a few minutes to review the following tips.

26 May 2016

Three Car Modifications That May Be Good For The Environment


Car modifications don't have a good reputation with those who are environmentally conscious. This is because many modifications increase fuel consumption or dangerous emissions. However, this is an unwarranted blanket condemnation since not all modifications are bad; in most cases, it's only the ones geared at increased performance that increase pollution. Here are three types of modifications that are actually good for the environment: Weight Reduction Your car's weight has a big effect on your fuel consumption.

26 May 2016

A Few Tips For RV Roof Repair


If you own an RV, at some point you are going to have a problem or two with the roof. It may start out as a small leak you find on the carpet, or perhaps you see a water stain on a wall. Before it gets any worse, you should take a look at the roof to find the problem and have it repaired. If you are handy with tools and such, you can do the repairs yourself.

26 May 2016

Four Forms Of Threats To Engine Motor Mounts


Engine mounts absorb road vibrations, so they don't affect the engine and absorb engine vibrations, so they don't affect the driver. Driving a car with damaged mounts is uncomfortable and can also damage the engine. Here are some of the things that can damage engine mounts, and the signs of damage to look out for: Aggressive Driving Aggressive driving puts your engine under stress, which affects the mounts too. Examples of aggressive driving include racing, fast acceleration, and constant change of gears, and driving fast over rough grounds.

26 May 2016

Where's That Coming From? 3 Fluids That Might Be Dripping From Your Car


If you own a car, it's just a matter of time before you notice small drops of liquid substances on your driveway. Some drips, like the condensation from your air conditioner – are normal occurrences – while others may signify hidden dangers for your car. It can be tough to determine what the different drips actually mean. However, if you understand the colors, you can figure out what the drips mean.

26 May 2016

3 Tips To Help You With Your DIY Brake Pad Replacement Project


If you want to save money on brake repairs, you may want to do your own brake maintenance. Getting around to changing your pads can be a simple task if you are mechanically inclined, and help prevent those costly repairs. There may be somethings that you want to get help with from a professional brake shop while changing your pads. Here are some tips to help with the task of replacing pads and avoiding costly brake repairs:

26 May 2016

Transmission Problems: 4 Red Flags To Look Out For


Your car's transmission is one of the most important aspects of your car, keeping it running smoothly and helping the engine switch into different gears as necessary. However, as with any of your car's many moving parts, there are all kinds of problems that can go wrong with a car's transmission—regardless of whether it's manual or automatic. Transmission problems, when ignored for long enough, can become very expensive rather quickly. This is why it's so important for vehicle owners to know what transmission red flags to look out for when behind the wheel.

5 February 2016